Sold Out!
All the tickets are gone. If you were unable to purchase, feel free to add your name to the waiting list for the relevant tickets through the following link until the end of the announced deadline, March 19th, 2024. We will be in touch via the provided email in case any tickets become available.
Student - £100
Professional (non-student) - £375
Registration includes a 3-day workshop with catering for all days (including lunch and coffee breaks), a drink reception, and the Conference Dinner.
Students are kindly requested to submit proof of their student status, such as a valid student ID card, to QCTiP24@ed.ac.uk in order to receive registration instructions.
Please note that registration will only be considered valid upon receipt of the full payment through the University of Edinburgh's payment platform [ Provided registration link]
All participants are required to agree with the QCTiP2024's code of conduct. Learn more...
Cancellation Policy
Where no substitute is nominated, delegates may cancel in writing by the following dates where upon charges will be incurred;
• If cancelled before within 42 days you will receive a full refund minus a 10% administration fee
• If cancelled before within 21 days you will receive a full refund minus a 50% administration fee
• If cancelled before within 10 days you will receive a full refund minus a 75% administration fee
• If you cancel less than 10 working days before the event, you will not be entitled to a refund
Please contact the Event Organisers here: QCTiP24@ed.ac.uk
Fee Waiver Application
The Organizing Committee of QCTiP 2024 is excited to offer a limited number of registration fee waivers for this year's conference.
We have set aside up to 15 fee waivers for students actively contributing to the conference, either through talks or posters.
The deadline for applications is February 20, at 11:59 pm GMT .
Please note that this waiver exclusively covers conference registration fee.
Eligibility Criteria
These fee waivers are available to PhD students who do not have any financial support from their institution, research grants, or other funding sources to cover the registration fee. Unfortunately, master's students are not eligible for this opportunity.
Please use the following link to apply for the fee waiver after submitting your paper or abstract through the Easychair link. Additionally, please remember to send a copy of your CV and proof of your student status, such as a valid student ID card, to QCTiP24@ed.ac.uk.